Corporate Sponsorship
Partner with the Accokeek Foundation
Accokeek Foundation’s Annual Corporate Partnerships are designed to garner sustained support for innovative, hands-on educational, agricultural, and environmental stewardship programs at Piscataway Park.
The Accokeek Foundation offers flexible corporate partnership opportunities, at every financial level, for businesses seeking to invest in the community. A national park located 12 miles from the nation’s capital in Prince George’s County, Maryland, Piscataway Park receives over 50,000 visitors annually, including 4,000 school-aged students from around the region. Individuals, families, and school groups visiting Piscataway Park discover a passion for the land and cultural history through exploration. Managed by the Accokeek Foundation, this national park offers a peaceful space for visitors to engage in fun activities, witnessing examples of agriculture through time, scenic vistas, and learning about environmental sustainability through authentic experiences and interaction with on-site interpreters.
By leveraging federal, state, and local funding, we ensure 100% of private income directly supports programs at Piscataway Park.
Support of the Accokeek Foundation’s mission is an investment in the community and can offer your business a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining employees, closer relationships with community leaders and officials, greater customer loyalty, and increased positive name recognition and brand awareness.
The Accokeek Foundation has an active online presence with more than 40,000 web visits each year, and thousands of engaged followers on social media. Our email distribution list targets regional and national media outlets and more than 6,000 organizations and personal addresses.
Sponsorship Levels
Corporate sponsorship recognition at all annual public events
1 day facility use for staff retreats, company picnics, or meetings
Outreach table or exhibit at public events
Company logo on website for one year
Recognition on social media
Corporate sponsorship recognition at all annual public events
1 day facility use for staff retreats, company picnics, or meetings
Outreach table or exhibit at public events
Company logo on website for one year
Recognition on social media
Corporate sponsorship recognition at all annual public events
Outreach table or exhibit at public events
Company logo on website for one year
Recognition on social media
Outreach table or exhibit at public events
Company logo on website for one year
Recognition on social media
Outreach table or exhibit at public events
Recognition on social media
Current Partners
We're excited to be working with these local organizations to further the Accokeek Foundation mission.