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Planned Giving

You can leave a lasting legacy by making a bequest to the Accokeek Foundation

In 1957, the Accokeek Foundation was established by private citizens who sought to preserve the view from George Washington’s Mount Vernon and to protect the Maryland shoreline from over development. During the past 50 years, this vision has grown to encompass wide-ranging education programs in agriculture, conservation, and history, all of which focus on the theme of “people shaping the land, land shaping people, over time.” Planned gifts have made much of this possible, and the Accokeek Foundation now has a goal of raising $5 million to ensure future financial strength and sustainability.

FPB at Mount Vernon February 1965_edited

Frances Payne Bolton Society

The Frances Bolton Society was established to thank and recognize those who have remembered the Accokeek Foundation with a planned gift and who, through their example, encourage others to do the same. The Society functions as a leadership circle of friends who share an interest and partnership in the Accokeek Foundation’s work. Members meet periodically to socialize and exchange ideas with the Foundation’s board, staff, and other prominent stakeholders.

Get in Touch

Ways to give:

  • Making a specific gift of cash, securities, real estate, or other property through your will, codicil, or trust instrument.


  • Designating the Accokeek Foundation as the beneficiary of all or part of the remainder of your estate or trust after the payment of estate-related expenses, other bequests, or following the death of a spouse or other primary beneficiaries.


  • Naming the Accokeek Foundation as a beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance policy.

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Frances Bolton Society

Document your bequest intentions:

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